
Today in church a returned missionary bore his testimony. He said: "a mission may not be the best two years OF your life, but it will be the best two years FOR your life."
   Missionaries are the best!

Another lady bore her testimony. She talked about how her son had stage 4 cancer. She always wondered why bad things happen to good people? There is no explanation, but she knows God is always by our side. He will not give us things we cannot handle. She learned that we should not judge people by the way they look or act. They may be going through a hard time and we might not know everything they are dealing with.

We need to wake up everyday and try to be better than we were yesterday.
The gospel is amazing. I love it so so much.

Behind this smile is everything you'll never understand.

  • Tomorrow smile at a perfect stranger, and mean it.
  • Take it easyyyyyyy, we're all still breathing.
  • Skies are blue and I'm alive. So all is well.
  • The only dreams that matter are the ones we have when we're awake.
  • Don't forget how lucky you are to be alive. Take advantage of everyday, there might not be a tomorrow.
  • “Begin to take responsibility for yourself, at the end of the day we are nothing but our own experiences and memories. Start to lead this something called ME.”

These covers. Ahhhhh


How often do you look back and really reflect on what you’ve done,
The insignificance of it all?.. Pointless arguments, inside jokes, funny haircuts.
But do you ever wonder how you will be remembered,
Or if what you’ve done and what you're doing means anything at all?
What will your song sound like when you’re dead and gone?
Will tears fall when the last note is sung?
And how will your story be told?
Will your words leave a bitter taste in their mouths?
Or will they even remember you at all?
Compassion. The concept is rather simple.
Most know what it means to be civil, but there truly is a fine line between sweet and sour.
Give too much of yourself away, and you'll be all used up,
 Not enough, and no one will be around to share this with.
So what is that motivates us to be better, gentler, more refined?
I like to think it’s those close to us. Close to the heart and soul.
Those who carried you to the car after you puked on their shoes,
Those who took the blame for breaking the window when it was you who cast the stone,
Those who will be by your side, when reality knocks on your door, both good and bad
But most importantly those whose stories you will share with your kids and grandkids
in hopes to keep this all alive.
Chivalry. Decency. Kindness. Compassion. Desire. Strength.
How will you be remembered?

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