
Wish on a star.

Wishes and dreams are important to me, but if I look back on my past I see... nothing. Good times, okay times, and bad times all meshed together into one big blur. Nothing significant. Nothing special.  

Today one of my closest friends lost her uncle due to a tragic accident. It was so hard to watch her cry, my heart was breaking. She means the world to me and I don't like seeing the people I love hurting. No one deserves it.
Never miss a chance to tell people you love them and appreciate them. You never know when they might go.

Some wishes I have...
i wish we didn't have to suffer through so much pain.
i wish people could see what i see in them.
i wish i had a better memory.
i wish i could have a good laugh everyday.
i wish i could savor memories and pull them out and watch them whenever i needed them.
i wish my friends knew how much they truly mean to me.
i wish i knew what i wanted to study in school. stresses.me.outtttt.
i wish people didn't have be abusive. josh powell was psycho.
i wish my brother would quit smoking.
i wish i didn't compare myself to others so much.
i wish i could travel the world :)
i wish my mom wasn't so OCD. vacuuming every morning is not okay.
i wish zits would stop at age 14 like they're supposed to.
i wish people wouldn't bring those annoying little roller backpacks to school.
i wish i didn't...          procrastinate.

That's enough for one day. Some of these will probably never happen.. but others might. You never know.

The rest of my blog tonight is about MY ONE AND ONLY best friend, my little sister Kimmy.
She is a 17 year old babe.
Right now she is huffing and puffing, almost in tears over her homework.
She makes me laugh harder than anyone I know.
No one knows Kimmy like I do. I joke that no one could survive living with her for longer than a day. She is always so loud. Laughing, screaming one second and yelling, stomping her feet the next. Welcome to the worst teenage rollercoaster you will ever witness, and i'm on it.

Yesterday her teacher gave the class a pop quiz. The teacher was wearing a red shirt with a big U on it.
     the question: What's my favorite university?
     her answer: get ready for it.. Utah State. Ha yep this family is a smart one!
She tells me everyday "high school is hard enough I'm never goin to college!!"

Dear little sis,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my best friend. I know you don't consider me your best friend but I am always here for you no matter what. We may fight at times, but that's what sisters do. Atleast we can joke about it after. You are so beautiful inside and out and your soul shines. Keep smiling and making people around you smile. Your good attitude toward life is contagious. You live life to the fullest, everyday. Someday I hope to be like you. Thank you for letting me laugh and cry with you. Thank you for being the best sister I could ever ask for! As I always say, you're my favorite sister. Even though you are my only one, you are the only one I need. I don't know what I would do without you in my life.
You have saved me. Thank you.
Love, your big sister Heidi.

Good thing everyone thinks she's older than me. Fml.

"We all have a story to tell. Whether we whisper or yell."

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