
I'm not giving up, I'm just starting over.

I don't have much to say..
I want to move somewhere where no one knows my name or my story. I want to start a new life, with new people. I want to make a change. I want to make a difference in someone's life. 
        ...a mission? who knowsssss

How does one sock always get lost ?
How do all the red lights know when you're running late? Seriously though.

Love is spelled T-I-M-E.
It's called falling in love for a reason.
You can't search for it, you just fall...


Trying to...

listen instead of hear
laugh instead of cry
be patient
communicate my feelings
find beauty in everything 
find beauty in everyone
capture the memories
be a better person
focus on what I have instead of what I don't
enjoy the moments for what they are
live in the moment
be excited for the future
drink more water
not waste time
smile more
trust more
love more

Simple is defined as easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.
That's what we all want right.
Enjoy the small things in life, and life will be simple.

Have you ever wanted to just start over? Forget everything and start over? As I was thinking about this, I thought I would give anything to start a new life, and leave the old one in the past. I came to the realization that if I want to, I can do this. Tomorrow is a new day.. it's never too late to be who you could've been. When I wake up tomorrow, I can start a new life and leave the old one where it belongs... 



Today has honestly been better than Christmas morning.
I had a meeting with my bishop and I got my temple recommend!
I am beyond ecstatic!
I haven't been inside the temple for a very long time, and I CANNOT wait to go :)

I am going to Vegas this week. I am going to the Parachute concert on February 6th.
Good things are happening.. and Life is amazzzzziiiiinnnnnggggg!
Crazy how a little attitude change and goals can change your life.
I am soo thankful for where I'm at right now, and I owe it all to my heavenly father.

"I am convinced that when we obtain a witness of who we really are and possess healthy feelings of self-worth because of it, our joy in the accomplishments of others is magnified. When that joy is felt, we should share it.
How blessed we are to know where we came from and what we have the potential to become. Let each of us work harder to recognize the accomplishments of others as well as being aware of our own talents and successes. And let us be confident in the knowledge that “the worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (D&C 18:10) and that with the Lord’s help, we can accomplish far more than we could ever do on our own."


This little girl is THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN :)

I'm REAL good at faking i'm okay, I've done it my whole life. I think hiding behind my smile is the easiest thing to do. You be strong to people and you lay in bed and cry at night.
it's simple. it's life.
I'll always be that girl that cares about someone else and their happiness before my own, and i'll never change...

Things can ONLY go up from here on out... or at least that's what i keep telling myself...



     I have been learning to not dwell on the past, but to embrace each experience and love it!
     The one source that has been such a blessing in my life lately is PRAYER. I have been praying a lot lately...communicating with heavenly father in my struggles with life has humbled myself to take a look around me and really think about what it is that i want in my life. It is in the hardest of times that I feel my savior's love for me and can't help but feel completely grateful for everything I have in my life. Knowing that in even the hardest of trials or saddest moments I am not alone and that eventually things will be the way they are meant to be.

     I know that heavenly father wants me to be happy and will bless me in the right way, at the right time, with the right person...

I am a tough girl... and even when i get my heart or self-esteem slaughtered, I can still wake up the next day with a smile on my face and know that life goes on...

“Now, my young friends who are in your teenage years, always have the temple in your sights. Do nothing which will keep you from entering its doors and partaking of the sacred and eternal blessings there. I commend those of you who already go to the temple regularly to perform baptisms for the dead, arising in the very early hours of the morning so you can participate in such baptisms before school begins. I can think of no better way to start a day."
“The Holy Temple - a Beacon to the World,”
                -President Thomas S. Monson.

 "You…will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of these meaningful and significant things.
Some of them may be funny. Some may be of significance only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience."
Experiences Worth Remembering
       -President Gordon B. Hinckley

I love this man so much. I thank him for the foundation of faith he has laid in my life.. I cannot wait to meet him someday!



My dad.
"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."
"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me."

Today as I was driving home from school, I saw a dad pulling his kids up a hill on sleds. They were all smiles. This made my heart skip a beat. What is it that is so cute when you see a man playing with little kids? Something about it.. gets to me. This made me reflect on my past a little bit and my future. My dad is an amazing father, worker, and friend. He is the funniest man I know, and is always pulling faces, or wearing his sunglasses inside a movie theater. What a dork! He is such an example to me and always has a positive attitude no matter what. His motto: "go with the flow." I love my dad so much and am thankful for his support in everything I do. This is so cliche, but I really do want to marry someone like my dad.

I may not be the prettiest, the smartest, the funniest, or the most outgoing.
But I am me, and no one else will ever be me.


my obsession... quotes.

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right,you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
-Marilyn Monroe

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. i say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in God and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us,...if we put our trust in Him, if we pray to Him, if we live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

"In all of living have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

And my favorite..
No Christ = no happiness.
Know Christ = know happiness.




I came upon this this morning, and immediately got the chills.

The Freedom Experiment is about giving yourself the freedom to be you. It’s about making tough choices, taking control, and following your dreams.

It is a project where you put a mini-version of your dream into action.

It's about finding freedom from norms, conventions and unwritten rules to enable you to be who you really are.


Start with a dream
Find a way to break it down into something you can do in the next year
Make it happen!

check it. http://www.thefreedomexperiment.com/new-here/

On Friday it was Jazmin's aunts 50th birthday party. All of us who know Jazmin, know her family so it wasn't weird going to their family party! But, Jazmin brought Carson and Hannah of course brought her boyfriend.. and then there was me. Being the 5th wheel, I was in a bummer mood, but I made the best of it.. and had so much fun! She opened her presents and then we played games. After the party, I went back to my house. As I was getting ready for bed, I got a call from a friend. We've been good friends since about 9th grade and he's changed my life in ways I can't explain. He came over to my house to talk to me. We talked about everything, we talked about nothing. We talked about the past, and we talked the future. We sang dashboard confessional songs at the top of our lungs.
 I could completely be myself, and I was.. happy. It was a good night :)
Friends make life so much better.

This morning I woke up extra early to go to a doctor appointment. I like waking up early, but it makes my day seem soooooooo long. Too long.


Random thoughts.

One simple rule.. always be kind.
One simple plan.. be a little better today than you were yesterday.
One simple fact.. life is what we make it.

-Star gazing is amazing.
-I love the smell of rain.
-Lake Powell is hands down my favorite place.
-Double dates are weird.
-I love going on drives by myself where I can just think.
-Some parents are crazy. Glad mine are partly sane.
-I'll tell people to put on their seatbelt, but I won't wear mine.
-Music heals the soul.
-My little sister is my best friend.
-I still don't know what I'm going into in school, and I'm bugged that people keep asking me on a daily basis.
-I would rather have a few real friends, than lots of fake ones.
-My job sucks.
-I hardly ever cry in front of people.
-Just recently, I've been a huge fan of Sundays.
-I want to go to Greece more than anything.
-The most expensive thing I've ever bought is my Canon T2i camera :)
-People need to realize what they have when they have it.
-PDA. Please don't.
-We live in a really blessed country.
-Seeing LDS missionaries makes my day.
-The Bachelor. It's the only show on TV that I watch every week.
-I HATE wind.
-Every girl should read the book Classy.
-When you miss someone, tell them.

That's about everything on my mind right now..

Oh and.. Valentine's Day suckssssss.
This girl at my work was like "aw this mine and my boyfriend's 4th Valentine's together."  I was like " this is my 21st Valentine's day single!" Ha what a joke! Fml.


GOOD vibesss. :)


Listened to this today.
The lyrics are amazzzzing. Perfect for my life right now.

Filling my head with words to encourage me,
Gotta get my act so straight so I can truly believe.
That what I’m waiting for, is really worth the wait.
Stop bringing myself down,
I gotta know what makes me great.

I’m going to open my mind to all these,
New found exciting possibilities

I’m making all my own plans,
Throwing all my old ones away.

Gonna grow up, Be someone.
Draw a map, find a path.
Take a breath and run.
And run.


New dayyyyy (:

Life's all about moments of impact, and how they change our life forever.
Beginning today, I AM CHANGING MY ATTITUDE :)
I know everything happens for a reason. Everything.
I'm putting my faith in my Heavenly Father, I know he has a plan for me.
I'M EXCITED FOR THE FUTURE and whatever is in store for me.. I'm ready!

                                          LIVE FREE.

"You can't control the things that happen to you or the outcomes,
but you CAN control the way you react to them. It's all about perception."

I WILL meet him this year! Mmmmm :)


all i can say and think.

I lay here with my eyes wide open, staring into space. Thinking about everything, trying to find my place. Where do I belong? What do I want to do? My mind wanders aimlessly.. Heidi Wood.. wait who? I wish I knew who I was and where I'm supposed to go. I guess I'll find out someday, until then, confusion is my hit show. Troubled heart and soul is mainly what I am, I feel like I won't ever be complete without a puzzle piece.. a man. Where's my Noah? is a classic line, someday, I hope, I really hope I will call someone mine. Asking my sister over and over, "Do you think I'll ever get married?" My thoughts and feelings are beginning to feel smothered. Buried.


My eyes are moist with tears,
Where's the happiness?
 .. it's been years.
Trying to change isn't easy,
But I know God is by my side
Each step of the way,
Helping me, building me up,
Day by day.
Please help me, God,
To be who I want to be,
And find a happiness within me.
I thank you for the life I've been given
I hope one day to see you again
Proud of the life I lived
And thankful I made it to heaven,
And tell you I found happiness,
As I found.. myself.

    -heidi wood.


I have no words, only lyrics.

Give your heart a break..

Now here we are, so close
Yet so far, haven't I passed the test?
When will you realize
Baby, I'm not like the rest

Don't wanna break your heart
I wanna give your heart a break
I know you're scared it's wrong
Like you might make a mistake
There's just one life to live
And there's no time to wait, to waste

So let me give your heart a break
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break.

Baby, I can ease the ache, the ache
So, let me give your heart a break

Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break
There's just so much you can take
Give your heart a break
Let me give your heart a break
Your heart a break

Best friends.

Thank you, Holly Stoddard Ross.
I was looking at these pictures today, and really thought about what a friend means to me. Holly is not only a friend to me, but my BEST FRIEND. She has been there for me through the thick and thin. She always has a smile on her face, and makes me laugh every time we are together. We have soo many inside jokes. She knows me better than anyone else, and I know she would never judge me. I know people are put into our lives for a reason, and I thank God for a friendship like this one.
Thank you for everything, I love you Holly. BFFHH.<3

Oh yeah.. we were born in the same hospital only 5 days apart!


doow idieh.

"You can do as much as you think you can, but you'll never accomplish more. If you're afraid of yourself, young man, there's little for you in store."

Someone special once told me.. "you're better than you think you are, Heidi." .
I have never forgotten those words, and I only talked to this person once in my life.


The Vow. I HAVE to see this.

Quotes are the best.

"Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about."

"Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."

"When your life looks as if it's falling apart, it might actually be falling into place."

In church a couple weeks ago, a lady giving a talk said something that I've been thinking a lot about lately. She said there is was a statue of Christ somewhere in Europe. The statue got destroyed, but they tried to find all the pieces and rebuild it. All the pieces were found, except for Christ's hands. Now underneath the statue it says:
"Christ has no hands, but ours."

I have always loved this primary song, and to this day, it still brings a tear to my eye.
I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain
and ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again
I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain
I want to be the best I can and live with God again.


This is scary. The thought of expressing my thoughts, real, true thoughts, to anyone besides myself, scares me. No one knows the real me. NO ONE..

So I'm trying something new. Something I never thought I would be able to do, but here I am sitting at my computer making a blog! Blog.blog.bloggggg! I have PLENTY of thoughts, so why not get them out.

My friend Tiffany recently got home from San Franciscoooo. She was working there for about six months and is finally home, yayaaa :)
We were hanging out/catching up the other night and she said..
.. "you have so many suitors, but never want any of them."
I'm pickyyy. I don't why, but I am. Always have been.
My mom and I joke that I won't ever get married because I'm so picky.

But when it comes down to it, it's because of my own insecurities.
When something good starts coming my way, I find a way to sabotage it. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. Because I know good things can't last forever, I get scared, and I run. When someone likes me more than I like myself, I run. When things get too hard, I run. I run to be alone... alone is the place I'm most comfortable..  at the end of the day, it is what it is.

yesterday a friend told me to "stop being a mental pussy and believe in yourself"
i just wish i could see what people see in me.

Enough with the negative crap. I'm generally a happy person :) all smiles and laughs as much as I can. That's what gets me through each day. Laughter is the best medicine.


this post is
                            just like my thoughts.
