
Best friends.

Thank you, Holly Stoddard Ross.
I was looking at these pictures today, and really thought about what a friend means to me. Holly is not only a friend to me, but my BEST FRIEND. She has been there for me through the thick and thin. She always has a smile on her face, and makes me laugh every time we are together. We have soo many inside jokes. She knows me better than anyone else, and I know she would never judge me. I know people are put into our lives for a reason, and I thank God for a friendship like this one.
Thank you for everything, I love you Holly. BFFHH.<3

Oh yeah.. we were born in the same hospital only 5 days apart!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me so happy!! I love you heid, we have been through everything together, and no matter what we will always be BFFHH<3 I would never judge you and I am always here for you!!
