
Trying to...

listen instead of hear
laugh instead of cry
be patient
communicate my feelings
find beauty in everything 
find beauty in everyone
capture the memories
be a better person
focus on what I have instead of what I don't
enjoy the moments for what they are
live in the moment
be excited for the future
drink more water
not waste time
smile more
trust more
love more

Simple is defined as easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.
That's what we all want right.
Enjoy the small things in life, and life will be simple.

Have you ever wanted to just start over? Forget everything and start over? As I was thinking about this, I thought I would give anything to start a new life, and leave the old one in the past. I came to the realization that if I want to, I can do this. Tomorrow is a new day.. it's never too late to be who you could've been. When I wake up tomorrow, I can start a new life and leave the old one where it belongs... 

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