
I came upon this this morning, and immediately got the chills.

The Freedom Experiment is about giving yourself the freedom to be you. It’s about making tough choices, taking control, and following your dreams.

It is a project where you put a mini-version of your dream into action.

It's about finding freedom from norms, conventions and unwritten rules to enable you to be who you really are.


Start with a dream
Find a way to break it down into something you can do in the next year
Make it happen!

check it. http://www.thefreedomexperiment.com/new-here/

On Friday it was Jazmin's aunts 50th birthday party. All of us who know Jazmin, know her family so it wasn't weird going to their family party! But, Jazmin brought Carson and Hannah of course brought her boyfriend.. and then there was me. Being the 5th wheel, I was in a bummer mood, but I made the best of it.. and had so much fun! She opened her presents and then we played games. After the party, I went back to my house. As I was getting ready for bed, I got a call from a friend. We've been good friends since about 9th grade and he's changed my life in ways I can't explain. He came over to my house to talk to me. We talked about everything, we talked about nothing. We talked about the past, and we talked the future. We sang dashboard confessional songs at the top of our lungs.
 I could completely be myself, and I was.. happy. It was a good night :)
Friends make life so much better.

This morning I woke up extra early to go to a doctor appointment. I like waking up early, but it makes my day seem soooooooo long. Too long.

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