
Random thoughts.

One simple rule.. always be kind.
One simple plan.. be a little better today than you were yesterday.
One simple fact.. life is what we make it.

-Star gazing is amazing.
-I love the smell of rain.
-Lake Powell is hands down my favorite place.
-Double dates are weird.
-I love going on drives by myself where I can just think.
-Some parents are crazy. Glad mine are partly sane.
-I'll tell people to put on their seatbelt, but I won't wear mine.
-Music heals the soul.
-My little sister is my best friend.
-I still don't know what I'm going into in school, and I'm bugged that people keep asking me on a daily basis.
-I would rather have a few real friends, than lots of fake ones.
-My job sucks.
-I hardly ever cry in front of people.
-Just recently, I've been a huge fan of Sundays.
-I want to go to Greece more than anything.
-The most expensive thing I've ever bought is my Canon T2i camera :)
-People need to realize what they have when they have it.
-PDA. Please don't.
-We live in a really blessed country.
-Seeing LDS missionaries makes my day.
-The Bachelor. It's the only show on TV that I watch every week.
-I HATE wind.
-Every girl should read the book Classy.
-When you miss someone, tell them.

That's about everything on my mind right now..

Oh and.. Valentine's Day suckssssss.
This girl at my work was like "aw this mine and my boyfriend's 4th Valentine's together."  I was like " this is my 21st Valentine's day single!" Ha what a joke! Fml.

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