

Today has honestly been better than Christmas morning.
I had a meeting with my bishop and I got my temple recommend!
I am beyond ecstatic!
I haven't been inside the temple for a very long time, and I CANNOT wait to go :)

I am going to Vegas this week. I am going to the Parachute concert on February 6th.
Good things are happening.. and Life is amazzzzziiiiinnnnnggggg!
Crazy how a little attitude change and goals can change your life.
I am soo thankful for where I'm at right now, and I owe it all to my heavenly father.

"I am convinced that when we obtain a witness of who we really are and possess healthy feelings of self-worth because of it, our joy in the accomplishments of others is magnified. When that joy is felt, we should share it.
How blessed we are to know where we came from and what we have the potential to become. Let each of us work harder to recognize the accomplishments of others as well as being aware of our own talents and successes. And let us be confident in the knowledge that “the worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (D&C 18:10) and that with the Lord’s help, we can accomplish far more than we could ever do on our own."

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